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Elphinstone Chronicles: Quaint, sardonic, hard-hitting tax demystification

Coming up at the next Elphinstone Community Association meeting
The Elphinstone Community Association’s next meeting is Wednesday, June 21 at 7 p.m. at Frank West Hall.

Area E is full of hustle and bustle this June. The Elphinstone Community Association (ECA) is holding their monthly meeting on Wednesday, June 21 at 7 p.m. with our SCRD representative, director Donna McMahon. If you haven’t heard me wax poetic on how much I love these quaint meetings where you’ll get to meet your neighbours and learn about local politics in your own backyard, check out my previous article describing these glorious meetings held at Frank West Hall. Director McMahon will be demystifying property taxes for us at this meeting in a fun and interactive way. But how, you say? I can state with confidence, our Area E Director has the wonderfully sardonic wit necessary to accomplish this. You can bring your own tax notice to the meeting and follow along as Donna explains what each line means, then grill her with some hard-hitting questions. Refreshments to follow.

For more on the ECA, you can now check out their updated website where you can find news, meeting information, and events all in one place. Speaking of which, prepare yourself for the ECA’s annual summer social June 25 from 4 to 8 p.m. at Chaster House.

The Sunshine Coast Bear Alliance would like to give everyone a heads up that a mama bear with two cubs have been hanging out in the Gospel Rock-Secret Beach area. If you bring your pup that way for a walk, it’s best to leash up to avoid risky situations.

And finally, a retraction. My first! Typically I would be so embarrassed, but I was too star-struck to feel the shame I should have when the coauthor of one of my favourite books about the Sunshine Coast, Betty Keller reached out to me. She and Rosella Leslie wrote Bright Seas, Pioneer Spirits; The History of the Sunshine Coast (Horsdal & Schubart, 1996 and revised and re-issued 2009, Victoria), where I got my information for my last article on the naming of Pratt Road.

Betty Keller explained I misread the ending of the Pratt Road story, and it is slightly less tragic than I had interpreted. The Pratt brothers didn’t die of starvation, but rather their oxen did, so I told her I would correct this ending. I suppose this means the Tim Hortons wouldn’t have done any good even if it were built in time, as oxen do not have a taste for honey crullers.

I would love to hear feedback, take suggestions on topics in our neighbourhood and hear from all 3,883 residents of Elphinstone. Email me at [email protected].