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The evolution of a daylily and hosta garden

Gibsons Garden Club
Yellow daylily.

The Gibsons Garden Club will be presenting Pam Erikson of Erikson Daylily Garden and Perennials on Feb. 20 at its annual spring gardening speaking event. 

Erikson is an award-winning daylily hybridizer, photographer, instructor and lecturer from Langley. In 1991, Erikson became the first American Hemerocallis Society judge in Canada. Also in 1991, Erikson started the first daylily club in Canada in affiliation with the AHS and is still its president.

Erikson and her family invite gardeners from around the world to tour the gardens in July at peak bloom time. The one-acre display garden has had bus tours from Australia, Japan, England and the U.S. – in addition to thousands of local gardening enthusiasts and several gardening television and radio shows from around the country. The gardens now contain over 3,000 varieties of daylilies and other lilies, over 600 varieties of hostas and hundreds of other specimen trees and perennials. 

Erikson travels extensively in the fall and winter months, giving presentations to introduce gardeners to her favourite plants and travelling to many destinations to acquire new and rare varieties. She continues to be involved in numerous international events and was chair of the VanDusen Flower and Garden Show in Vancouver for many years. 

The Gibsons Garden Club was founded in 1983, and each year invites a prominent B.C. gardener to conduct its very popular speaker event. 

Come for a stimulating presentation by Erikson at the Heritage Playhouse Theatre, Gibsons, Wednesday, Feb. 20 at 7:30 p.m. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. for the silent auction and light refreshments. Tickets ($15) can be reserved for pick-up at the door by phoning 604-886-9896. Tickets can also be purchased at Quality Garden and Pet and B&K Nursery, both on Pratt Road. Or you can purchase tickets online at the Gibsons Garden Club website:

– Submitted by Allan Levinsohn