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Peter Hews explores Australia’s Great Ocean Road

Peter Hews has been a Calgary-based geologist for over 40 years. He is semi-retired from the profession but still teaches a few industry upgrade courses to the earth science community.
Australia SCHHS

Peter Hews has been a Calgary-based geologist for over 40 years. He is semi-retired from the profession but still teaches a few industry upgrade courses to the earth science community. His geological interests range from dinosaur hunting in Alberta and B.C. to tracking down the history of ancient logs that were unearthed beneath the Watermark site in Sechelt. He has been visiting the Sunshine Coast for more than 25 years and he and his wife Ev have come to love this beautiful area.

Hews is a member of the Sunshine Coast Natural History Society (SCNHS) and offers a geology field trip to its members every summer. Hews is also an ElderCollege instructor on the Coast and presents courses on various aspects of geology, both local and global. 

On Friday, Jan. 4 at 7:30 p.m., Hews will be giving an illustrated presentation to the SCNHS about a visit to the Great Ocean Road on the south Victoria coastline, near Melbourne, Australia. He will describe the presence of spectacular oceanic beaches with dramatic surf, some of the unusual cliff rock formations – such as the iconic Twelve Apostles – the pristine rain forest containing many misty waterfalls, wildlife, and yes, a bit of geology too!

The meeting takes place at the Sunshine Coast Arts Centre (Medusa and Trail). Coffee and cookies will be served. Visitors welcomed.

– Submitted by Russ Tkachuk, SCNHS program chair