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Someone needs to pay attention

Editor: I would like to take this opportunity to thank the hundreds of residents of Roberts Creek who signed the petition calling for a traffic light at Roberts Creek Road and Highway 101.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank the hundreds of residents of Roberts Creek who signed the petition calling for a traffic light at Roberts Creek Road and Highway 101.

A presentation was made to the Transportation Advisory Committee where MLA Nicholas Simons presented the petition to the House in August and a traffic survey was conducted. The outcome of the survey is that the criteria for a traffic light was not met. The Highways Ministry has a small annual traffic light budget to cover an areathat extends from Lundto Boston Bar. We do not have the constant traffic volume or accident record required to be considered.

Anyone using that intersection on a regular basis knows that it is only blind luck or by the grace of God , whichever you believe in, that there have not been more serious accidents there.I can only hope this "low accident" rate continues until there is someone in charge who will pay attention.

Yvonne Mounsey

Roberts Creek