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Reconsider Day Road logging

The following letter was sent to Island Timberlands and copied to Coast Reporter. I write you hoping to encourage a reconsideration regarding an area in Roberts Creek at the end of Day Road.

The following letter was sent to Island Timberlands and copied to Coast Reporter.

I write you hoping to encourage a reconsideration regarding an area in Roberts Creek at the end of Day Road.

Over the years, this area has become more and more residential. Unlike other areas, this particular area has very high traffic. It's a unique place on the Coast with the most beautiful trails around.

There are many pristine waterfalls close to these trails, which have unquestionable sacredness to the community. It is sensitive habitat with rare fungi and plants, not found elsewhere.

There is a retreat centre at the end of the road (where the forest begins), and this forested area has become a park for so many people here. There are many guided horseback tours from several horse ranches nearby and guided tours from the retreat centre as well.

To have this space cut down and lose all this will unquestionably devastate the community. It's not up the mountain somewhere, but it's right in front of us. To have a clear-cut there would not only lose the rare plants and fungi, but will look awful and will tarnish the reputation of your company.

With respect to your company and its needs, perhaps there is an alternative for everyone to be satisfied. Are there other areas you could have more focus on? Is it at all possible for the community to buy this area from you for creating a park?

After reading your environmental policy, it's clear that logging this area will contradict your commitment to this policy. As a company of integrity, you're concerned with the environmental and public impact. I hope that all this is taken into careful consideration with your decision making.

Chris Niebergall
