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Wrong question



Your Feb. 8 Question of the Week was, “Should the SCRD provide extended ice time in one of its facilities as requested by arena user groups?”

No matter what my opinion, the way that this question is posed is so skewed and vague, it is the poll question that should be scrapped and rewritten. The accompanying linked article on the ice time issue, along with the Coast Reporter’s editorial, only serve to reinforce bias and lack of full information.

Rather, pose the question specifically: “Should the SCRD grant extended (include time frame with specific months) ice time for ice user groups in either Gibsons or Sechelt arena?” or “Should the SCRD continue to provide facility floor time for dry floor user groups at either Sechelt or Gibsons arena during x months?”

At least pose a second part of the poll question next week.

Hopefully, the SCRD decision makers will review their policies and make a decision based on equity, fairness and accessibility, not popularity, profitability or polls.

Cathy Kiss, Sechelt