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We need a proper highway

Editor: I note from newspaper reports that the province is moving ahead with safety improvements to Highway 101 and to studying a “bypass/alternative route.” The collision-prone intersection of Joe and Orange Road was cited as needing upgrade.


I note from newspaper reports that the province is moving ahead with safety improvements to Highway 101 and to studying a “bypass/alternative route.” The collision-prone intersection of Joe and Orange Road was cited as needing upgrade.

I would like to advise Minister of Highways Claire Trevena that there is no more hazardous section of roadway than where we live in the 2800 block of Highway 101, just West of Gladwyn Trail Road. 

At our homesite there are no reasonable sight lines to oncoming traffic in either direction, and no way of improving them.

Cars and large vehicles hurtle around the corner at high speeds in contravention of the recommended (not required) speed of 60 km/h.  Anyone coming out our drive or crossing the street is greatly at risk.

Three families live on our large property including one young, school-age boy and two seniors. We live in continual fear of major accidents and injuries, literally at our doorstep. I would challenge Minister Trevena, or any of her staff, to sit in their car at the bottom of our drive and try to feel comfortable exiting at any time of day. I hope that someone in her ministry will rise to this challenge.

If the minister thinks that some minor changes to this section of highway can be made to make it much safer, she is badly mistaken. What is desperately needed is a proper highway, above the current roadway, that has been planned for years. All it takes now is the political will to bring this about.

We implore the government to make our roads of a character that ensures safety and convenience for all, and with dispatch, as that is their job. Perhaps in the meantime, Ms. Trevena would get us “Hidden Driveway” signs to try to slow things down a wee bit.

Garfield Pennington, Roberts Creek