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Seals out of balance



I recently read with interest the massive undertaking (a billion plus dollars) to save the resident orcas. Now we have dire predictions that several more orcas may die due to a shortage of fish.

What I don’t see is any reference to the hordes of harbour seals and sea lions that consume millions of pounds of fish, many of which are Chinook salmon, every day.

These mammals are protected from human culling and have almost no natural predators. Their population has been allowed to increase such that it is totally out of balance with the environment where other creatures compete for the same food. It is surprising that they are not yet succumbing to starvation or disease.

Still more proof that almost always protectionism is practised by well-meaning conservationists after recovering from a lobotomy.

Fisheries and Oceans have many scientists who must recognize the negative impact of such an imbalance, so it must be our idiotic politicians who adopted and perpetuate this inane policy. 

Bruce Smith, Halfmoon Bay