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Clarification regarding plant ecologist



Re: “ELF expecting injunction,” Aug. 18 online edition.

The above story makes a reference to the Forest Practices Board that is not correct and I would like to clarify the board’s involvement in this issue. The story says the board “agreed last week to assign a plant ecologist from the Ministry of Environment to study the area.”

 That is not quite true. We are investigating a complaint from Elphinstone Logging Focus about timber harvesting on cutblock A87125. As part of that investigation, we have hired a plant ecologist, who used to work for the Ministry of Forests, to advise the board investigator. The ecologist will conduct a site visit with board staff, but he is not conducting a study of the area. This is a common practice where we bring in a specialist to advise us as we investigate public complaints about forest or range practices.

For more information on Forest Practices Board complaint investigations, please see our website at

Darlene Oman, director, Corporate Performance and Communications, BC Forest Practices Board