The West Sechelt Community Association (WSCA) supports a mix of housing forms that provides housing for a wide range of income levels. We support sustainable development that is in accordance with, and in the spirit of, the existing Official Community Plan (OCP). The WSCA has not received a referral (which normally occurs), rather, have gleaned to following from a staff report to council.
At issue:
There is a rezoning application in front of council for 6401 Apple Orchard Road (in West Sechelt) to rezone a 726 square metre piece of property from R2 (Low Density) to R4 (Infill).
This bylaw change would allow for one dwelling unit with a secondary suite and one detached accessory dwelling or one two unit dwelling.
Council made a decision to hold a public hearing on Jan. 17, 2023.
West Sechelt Community Association (WSCA) perspective:
The OCP cites more intensive residential use for properties of at least 4,000 sq.m. This 726sq.m. lot is a far cry from the limit set, and the spirit of, the OCP. No matter of “interpretation” can justify such a change. This is precedent setting!
The footprint of buildings could be 327 sq.m. This bylaw change would allow for houses, buildings and families (up to 3) to put on this size of lot. The OCP does not support amount of density. Considerations include parking and access to name a few.
The staff report did not include a site plan or architectural renderings. How can anyone make an informed decision on an incomplete package?
In conclusion:
Council and the public need detailed information re. a site plan, building design, space footprint, parking and access to make an informed decision. This is a precedent setting decision considering the parcel size for infill. There needs to be a public information meeting to access information and receive public input. Failure to do so leaves resident/taxpayers, once again, left out on engaging in matters that affect their property values and quality of life for years to come.
Catherine Hanson on behalf of
West Sechelt Community Association