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How am I part of the process?

Editor: I'd like to thank Coast Reporter for its question of the week, especially as they try to model it on "hot" current issues. I am often surprised by the results.


I'd like to thank Coast Reporter for its question of the week, especially as they try to model it on "hot" current issues. I am often surprised by the results.

For instance, this week (May 10 to 16) the question "Should the voting age be lowered to 16?" has received a resounding "no" response (currently 85 per cent as of Monday, May 13). I can just imagine the thought processes behind such a response: "a person is too immature at 16 to cast a vote," yet we allow them to drive and join the Canadian Armed Forces.

Well, I have news for you. Take a look at some of the politicians currently in office, trying to run a campaign of "elect me because if they get in, we're all in grave peril." Those politicians have fooled us time and time again with the same dire warnings and then turned around and done whatever they please when elected.

So I suggest those of you who said "no" look in a mirror and ask yourself, "What am I doing that shows I am "responsible enough to vote?" Are you involved in the process (or even insisting politicians stop slinging mud and tell you what they stand for)? If you are not happy with the way things are, get involved.

Remember the 16-year-old has to live with your mistakes for years.

Ted McNicol, Gibsons