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Comments on abortion

Editor: A few comments on George Kosinski's letter "Abortion and Pro Life" (Coast Reporter, June 28). I think most people would agree that the killing of another human being, except possibly in self-defense where there is no other option, is wrong.


A few comments on George Kosinski's letter "Abortion and Pro Life" (Coast Reporter, June 28).

I think most people would agree that the killing of another human being, except possibly in self-defense where there is no other option, is wrong.

Scientists are now in agreement that human life begins at conception, and therefore, the growing fetus is a human being and the destruction thereof is murder.

Apart from the above reason, the issue of "gendercide" has serious social consequences in skewing the ratio of males to females. Consider China with its one child policy, where less desirable female children are aborted. The ratio of males to females there is estimated to be about 120 males to every 100 females.

I would remind you that Canada is a country founded on Christian principles, and therefore, church and state are inevitably interconnected in many aspects of law making.

Finally, the termination of the life of a preborn in many cases causes deep physical and psychological problems down the road for many a woman.

Barbara Willumsen
