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Beware of DriveABLE

Editor: The DriveABLE program wants to take your licence away. That's its purpose. If you get a letter from the Motor Vehicle branch requiring you to take a computer test, it's deadly serious.


The DriveABLE program wants to take your licence away. That's its purpose. If you get a letter from the Motor Vehicle branch requiring you to take a computer test, it's deadly serious.

DriveABLE says anybody can do its computer test, but if you aren't familiar with taking audio and visual cues and responding to a touch screen, you will fail. So borrow your grandchildren's video games or buy an iPad and prepare yourself.

If they make you take the road test, it's worse. You have to drive their car and they will fail you on any bad habits you've gained in 70 years of driving - like rolling stops and shoulder checks.

So get yourself ready. Take some driving lessons so you can be at your best.

DriveABLE wants to take your licence. They took mine. Don't let them take yours.

Art Devlin
