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A poopy debate

Editor: I have observed several letters expressing concern over the direction Sechelt council is taking over the new sewage treatment plant. The letter writers seem to be concerned about the company selected to design and build the plant.


I have observed several letters expressing concern over the direction Sechelt council is taking over the new sewage treatment plant. The letter writers seem to be concerned about the company selected to design and build the plant. I don't know anything about the company selected, nor do I have the time or interest to research it. Maybe some might consider that foolish, but I choose to put my trust in our local government. Everybody is entitled to their opinion, as the saying goes. I don't agree with everything our local government does, but must we protest everything that comes up? In case you haven't noticed, the wastewater plant stinks, our family affectionately calls it "the poop plant."

It's unfortunate that the projected cost to the taxpayers is $21,500,000, but I think that debating over it for the next two, three, five or 10 years will only end up costing us more; decisions need to be made for the betterment of the community. It's not a difficult choice - this is a community need not a want. For anyone who lives in the area of the poop plant, my condolences, and hopefully council can satisfy the Coalition for Responsible Public Participation in Sechelt's Wastewater Plan. If not, maybe you need to start your own coalition: Coalition of I Don't Want My Town to Smell Like Poop!

Peter Hart, Sechelt