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Residents encouraged to Move for Health

May 10 is Move for Health Day and Sunshine Coast residents are being encouraged to get active.

May 10 is Move for Health Day and Sunshine Coast residents are being encouraged to get active.

The Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) is celebrating physical activity by offering a two-for-one drop in admission, a variety of free activities, and free gym orientation sessions at its recreation facilities in Gibsons and Sechelt.

"Engaging in regular physical activity is a crucial part of maintaining good physical, mental and social health," said SCRD board chair Garry Nohr in a news release. "Move for Health Day is about promoting awareness of the importance of physical activity, not only on May 10 but throughout our lifetimes."

According to the Ministry of Health, in B.C., 58 per cent of youth aged 12 to 19, and 48 per cent of children and youth aged five to 17 are not active enough for optimal growth and development. The level of physical activity required for optimal growth and development is equivalent to 60 minutes of physical activity throughout the day.

"Everyone can benefit from the many free and low cost opportunities available on Move for Health Day," added SCRD recreation program co-ordinator Michelle Morton. "Not only will participants feel good after some physical activity, free educational sessions will help them learn important skills for how to become more active in daily life."

Some free Move for Health Day activities Include:

Stretch 'n Strength class with Linda Horseman

Stroller Step Out with Lydia Watson

Get Active, Overcome Pain with Physiotherapist Christa Morrison

Osteoarthritis Lecture and Nordic Pole Walking with OASIS Physiotherapist Wendy Watson

Easier Gardening with Arthritis workshop with Joan Vyner from The Arthritis Society, BC & Yukon Division.

Gym orientations in Sechelt and Gibsons.

Move for Health Day was designated by the World Health Organization in 2002 as a worldwide day of physical activity. The BC Recreation and Park Association (BCRPA) in collaboration with various physical activity stakeholders has spearheaded the organization of this year's Move for Health Day activities and encouraged municipalities across the province to get British Columbians moving.

Visit under "Recreation" for a full schedule of events or call 604-885-6801 for more information.
