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Forst moves on to a new stage

New Democratic party candidate Bill Forst will be moving on to a new stage in his life following this election campaign, literally.

New Democratic party candidate Bill Forst will be moving on to a new stage in his life following this election campaign, literally.

While studying his political lines, Forst has also been memorizing lines for the Sunshine Coast Driftwood Players upcoming production of Daniel McIvor's Never Swim Alone.

This play is set up as a verbal and ultimately toxic boxing match between two one-time friends. Some will see it as a political campaign in microcosm.

Frank, played by Driftwood's Richard Lund, trumpets his dominance over Forst's character Bill with these lines: "And the winner has and always will rule. That is the way of the world. Like battle, like business, like love."

Dianna Barton plays the Referee, a character who has suffered tragedy as a result of the irrepressible drive for dominance between the two men.

Never Swim Alone is paired with another one-act play, Katherine Snodgrass' Haiku, which portrays the complications in the changing relationships between an autistic woman, her sister and her aging mother. The cast features Laura Sigler, Katie Hopkins and Niv Harris.

Driftwood Players' Bob Hunt directs Never Swim Alone, and Ingrid Bilton directs Haiku.

The plays open on Saturday, Nov. 1, at Gibsons Heritage Playhouse and run Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday matinées until Nov. 16. Find ticket details at