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Spotlight on Special O: A personal invitation to celebrate the big 3-0

Also, recognizing the incredible contributions of volunteers
Special Olympics columnist Mike Oswald participates in a Canada Day parade in Sechelt.

MAY I welcome you, Special Olympics fans, to our latest update? Volunteer week ran from April 14 to 20. Many things happened to celebrate these amazing folks. Among these, SOBC created a virtual volunteer games along with a bit of bingo that helped bring these individuals together to laugh, have fun connect and win prizes. 

Locally a volunteer fair was held on April 13 at the seniors centre. It featured countless organizations from the food banks to the hospital auxiliary. Hosted by the Rotary Club, it shed an important light on how needed and essential these services are. 

SOBC tells us that across B.C., a little over a thousand volunteers help sports programs run and make a difference in thousands of lives of individuals with intellectual disabilities. Prior to the pandemic however, that number was much higher. The goal today is to have those numbers reach previous levels. 

And I’ve said before, to be a volunteer in any capacity is infinitely rewarding but especially in Special O. Not only do the athletes benefit, so do you, when you see the accomplishments of athletes and the pride and joy of their families. 

If you are thinking of giving time to this terrific cause go to: 

And tell your friends. 

As an athlete, I benefit from the dedication of our SOSC volunteers, whether they are coaches or the many other types of helpers. Regardless of the position, all are vital to helping our programs run all year long. 

Even our amazing Special O athletes give their time as volunteers at places that have personal meaning to them. For me, it’s the local SPCA. In fact, some opportunities I began as a volunteer have since turned into paid employment. This is the case with many of my fellow sportsters as well. 

As mentioned in my last article, our Local, Special Olympics Sunshine Coast is celebrating 30 years of sports, laughs, sweat and smiles. This will be an opportunity to celebrate our athletes and families, their accomplishments and our growth in the community over the past 30 years. 

We will especially celebrate and thank our volunteers past and present and open the door to anyone who may wish to join our ranks in whatever way possible – coaches, executive members, donors or supporters of any variety. 

Here is your personal invitation: You are invited!! 

Thank you for helping our athletes grow, develop skills and accomplish their goals. Join us Sunday, May 26, Dougall Park, Gibsons, 2 to 4 p.m. 

We will be acknowledging our coaches, athletes and donors. We will celebrate with a game of bocce and a BBQ and cake. 

Thank you for your support over the years – we couldn’t have done it without you! 

See you at the party!