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Protect your mental health

Beyond The Blues is an annual event sponsored by BC Mental Health and Addiction Services and hosted here on the Sunshine Coast by the BC Schizophrenia Society, Sunshine Coast Branch.

Beyond The Blues is an annual event sponsored by BC Mental Health and Addiction Services and hosted here on the Sunshine Coast by the BC Schizophrenia Society, Sunshine Coast Branch.

The goal of Beyond the Blues is to educate the general public about the symptoms, triggers and treatments (pharmaceutical as well as lifestyle) of mental illness.

Beyond the Blues will be held Thursday, Oct. 4, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Trail Bay Mall in Sechelt, and Friday, Oct. 5, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Sunnycrest Mall in Gibsons. Visitors to our tables will find information on the various types of mental illness: schizophrenia, anxiety disorders and mood disorders.

There will also be information on where to find help and support if you or a loved one are dealing with mental illness, and how you can give support and encouragement to those who have a mental illness. If you would like to take a free, anonymous screening for mood and anxiety disorders, as well as problem drinking, please visit

Did you know that mental illness can be managed? Like many other chronic health problems, mental illness is caused by a combination of genetics and environment. We can't change our genetics, but we can modify our environment to avoid, or at least reduce, the severity of flare-ups.

Mental Illness is equal opportunity, affecting children, adolescents, adults and seniors. Every one of us has some genetic factors that can lead to mental illness. Those with low genetic risk, but high environmental stressors (physical as well as psychological) can become ill; those with high genetic risk, but a low stress and healthy lifestyle can remain well.

It makes sense that Beyond the Blues is held in October, as part of Mental Illness Awareness Week.

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