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Legacy workshop scheduled

Three community organizations have joined to offer a workshop to explore ways to think about estate planning.

Three community organizations have joined to offer a workshop to explore ways to think about estate planning. Your Legacy - Your Way is an evening hosted by Sunshine Coast Community Foundation, Sunshine Coast Botanical Garden and SunCu Financial Services, who have invited a variety of experts to help frame your questions about planning your estate.

Perhaps you have never considered leaving money to a charity in your will, but many people do, and not just wealthy people. Sunshine Coast Community Foundation supporters know that donations, large or small, will help our community for years to come, and leaving a legacy in a will is one good way to do so. Individual charities such as the Sunshine Coast Botanical Garden can gain long-term financial stability when supporters remember the charity in their will. It can bring you great satisfaction now to know you will help out later. Knowledgeable financial planners, lawyers and accountants may all offer ways to help you make your wishes come to fruition.

No one likes to think about death or taxes, but lively anecdotes and a light-hearted approach may help make the subject more appealing. The speakers have promised there will be no personal questions, no pleas for money, no math, and you'll likely have a few chances for laughter.

The workshop takes place Tuesday, Oct. 8, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Sparling Pavilion at the Botanical Garden, 5941 Mason Rd. in West Sechelt. Admission is free, but a reservation is required. Refreshments will be served. Call the Botanical Garden at 604-740-3969 to reserve your spot.

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