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Fruit tree project re-starts

The Sunshine Coast Fruit Tree Project is a community-based initiative that works to build community and strengthen food security using local fruit.

The Sunshine Coast Fruit Tree Project is a community-based initiative that works to build community and strengthen food security using local fruit. The idea is simple - we connect people with excess fruit on their backyard trees with those who have the time and energy to harvest it.

Organizers are beginning from the ground up and restarting the project under new leadership after a three-year hiatus.

One of the goals is to create a program that becomes part of the permanent culture of the Coast by mapping the locations of food trees and resources that are potentially available for community use.

This program can also be utilized for bear management, by removing the sweet temptation from our furry friends. Picking fruit in a timely manner will dissuade bears from feasting in our backyards, and that means less chance of bear/human contact and less damage to the food trees.

The fruit tree project is about building relationships in our community. Neighbours get together to pick fruit, share knowledge and skills about harvesting, canning and preserving foods and increase access to fresh local fruit.

Harvest activities happen between the months of July and October.

The success of this program depends on volunteers who donate their time, fruit and financial support. There are many ways to get involved in the Sunshine Coast Fruit Tree Project: local tree owners help turn private trees into a valuable source of food for the community. If you have fruit trees that produce more than you can harvest or use and you would be willing to share this bounty, please register your tree(s) with us before your fruit is ready, and we will try our best to arrange for volunteers to pick it. As a volunteer, contact us to help with harvesting, preserving or distributing fruit, carpooling volunteers, organizing special events or assisting us with fundraising activities.

We are also accepting donations and in-kind contributions.

For more information, please contact Mary Degan, fruit tree project co-coordinator, at [email protected] or 604-740-1824.

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