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We need better drivers

Editor: There has been a call to consider lowering the speed limits on a portion of Highway 101 due to high incidence of accidents. I suggest that speed may not be the cause. The accidents are reported at intersections.


There has been a call to consider lowering the speed limits on a portion of Highway 101 due to high incidence of accidents. I suggest that speed may not be the cause. The accidents are reported at intersections. Regularly, when I drive between Gibsons and Sechelt, vehicles enter the highway dangerously.

I drive with the presumption that a car seen at an intersection will enter the highway even when it should not. I regularly need to brake hard in order to avoid an accident. With a half second of inattention, an accident will happen when someone carelessly enters the highway.

My suggestion is that the RCMP enforce the legal highway entrance laws. They need only sit watching the high accident intersections. Ticketing is an effective form of public education.

And to you who cut off - please, if you are going to cut me off, don't then drive 20 km below the speed limit once on the highway. This suggests you are not in a hurry; you are just not paying attention. And, nice car, but too bad your turn signals don't work. And don't forget a vehicle turning right has precedence over one turning left. Maybe review the driver's handbook again.

We need better drivers, not lower speed limits.

Michael McLaughlin, Gibsons