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Treat all with respect

Editor: I was dismayed to read John Gleeson's recent "Gibsons terror" commentary (Coast Reporter, March 7). In a town that's struggling with deep divisions, this was irresponsible.


I was dismayed to read John Gleeson's recent "Gibsons terror" commentary (Coast Reporter, March 7).

In a town that's struggling with deep divisions, this was irresponsible. Personally, I've had George supporters pointing fingers, saying I'm "against everything" and spreading false rumours. This is an ugly departure from the friendly town I've known, and I wonder why.

Is it to shift the focus off the real issues and onto "those people?" Anyone who knows me knows that I care a lot about the Landing. I had my own shop there for 17 years. I've also been given a volunteer award by the Town for contributions to the Landing. I support economic development, but am convinced a smaller hotel can be viable. So how does raising questions make me a "redneck hippie" contributing to "terror"? Unbelievable!

As a nearby resident I can say my neighbourhood has many concerns about the hotel's impacts. We are the ones who will bear the brunt of traffic, views, noise and property values. Are we a group of conspirators? At the last council meeting, four of the people who spoke were folks I've never met or seen before. They just seemed to be ordinary concerned citizens to me.

In his book Happy Cities, Charles Montgomery identifies citizen involvement as the key to creating great communities. Please try to look at inquires in this constructive light. Be fair and balanced in your reporting and editorials, without the name calling. We all have to live together, no matter what the outcome.

Graham Walker, Gibsons