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Spring is the time for wildlife

Spring is a time of extraordinary wildlife activity - birds are nesting, amphibians are breeding, bees are visiting flowers, and turtle hatchlings are leaving their nests.

Spring is a time of extraordinary wildlife activity - birds are nesting, amphibians are breeding, bees are visiting flowers, and turtle hatchlings are leaving their nests.

The Sunshine Coast Wild-life Project is seeking the assistance of community members to monitor local wildlife species, and spring is the perfect time to help.

Take a walk to your local pond, marsh, wetland or lake to look for amphibian eggs. Frogs, toads, salamanders and newts all breed at this time of year.

If you live by or visit a lake in the Pender Harbour area, you can watch for miniature western painted turtle babies, each the size of a loonie, emerging from their underground nests.

The Wildlife Project also has a free Homes for Wildlife Program. Residents are invited to install a bat house, owl nest box or mason bee box on their property or in their favourite natural area and monitor the wildlife home to help us learn more about these important species.

Please visit or to learn how to identify local species and assist with monitoring and stewardship of wildlife on the Sunshine Coast. Please contact Michelle or Dave at [email protected] or 604-989-1007 for more information.

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