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Present system more problematic

Editor: Thank you, Elizabeth Scott, for bringing up the fixed link alternative to the current ferry system (Coast Reporter letters, Dec. 28).


Thank you, Elizabeth Scott, for bringing up the fixed link alternative to the current ferry system (Coast Reporter letters, Dec. 28).

True, engineering wise, a fixed link is not impossible, but you have to dig deeper into your letter to discover your real message.

And that is, that the present ferry system is becoming more and more of a problem to most of us on the Coast. Whatever the alternative is, both the capital and running costs must not be an impossible burden on the British Columbia taxpayer, and that also means both commuting and personal tax costs to the individual Coaster.

In my humble opinion, the fixed link, cost wise, can be ruled out. But somehow, somewhere, there must be a brilliant mind with a realistic solution - a solution that brings down the commuting costs that, currently, are becoming harder and harder for the average Coaster to bear. But not a solution that only satisfies us, but passes an immense tax burden to our children and grandchildren.

Go to it, you creative thinkers.

Bernard McGrath, Langdale