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Why should the ferry wait?



I’m amazed at the hand-wringing over the young man who failed to get on the ferry before the 10-minute cut-off time, and not having learned his lesson, arrived late and still expected the ferry to wait for him.

If you’re old enough to go into Vancouver by yourself, you’re surely old enough to figure out the bus schedule and realize that a bus arriving at Horseshoe Bay at 9:06 is not the one you want for the 9:15 p.m. ferry. Anyone who has lived on the Coast for more than a few weeks knows that for any departure you need to subtract 10 minutes for the cut-off time, and allow yourself plenty of time.

Say what you will about the ferries, but their hard-nosed cut-off policy has resulted in the ferries running on time a lot more often than was the case in the Dogwood Fleet days.

We don’t expect planes, trains and buses to wait for us if we’re late, so why should the ferry?  

Viveca Ohm, Sechelt