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Teachers need support

Editor: This struggle is not theirs alone — it goes to the heart of Canadian democracy.



This struggle is not theirs alone — it goes to the heart of Canadian democracy.  Without strong, effective educational programs and classrooms, the foundations of informed and intelligent decisions crumble, along with the well-being of our country and everyone in it.

Educators provide the strength and quality of our most important resource — our future generations of Canadians. Teachers are sacrificing time and pay cheques, enduring family turmoil and government pressure, and still they stand firm for what they know our educational system needs in order for young people to experience the joy of learning and to then share that knowledge and wisdom for the future of a healthy country and a planet where it is a joy to be.

I am putting out a call to you as citizens of this country and residents of this province to please support our teachers visibly. Democratic governments are mandated to serve the people. They are our employees — we pay their salaries.

It’s time for us to demand the educational system our kids need and deserve, and make it clear to our B.C. government that we support education.

Call them or email them with your wishes. Students, you can do this too — make this letter go viral so you can get back to school.

Have teachers, has education, made a difference in your life? Now it’s our turn to help make a difference.