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Show respect for sea creatures

Editor: We had a fantastic time last Sunday (May 26) watching the spectacular display of dolphin and orca activity in Sechelt Inlet. It was absolutely incredible to see these magnificent creatures in such numbers right in our Inlet.


We had a fantastic time last Sunday (May 26) watching the spectacular display of dolphin and orca activity in Sechelt Inlet.

It was absolutely incredible to see these magnificent creatures in such numbers right in our Inlet. Unfortunately our day came to a gut-wrenching halt when we saw a number of boats racing, chasing and zooming over top of these giant orcas, not just once but several times. These boats were way too close.

As we got closer to our marina we saw the dolphins closer to shore. Already stressed from their visit by the whales, they were being more stressed as another boat raced to the glee of their passengers.

I am stunned at the lack of respect these boaters showed. There is a standard 300-metre distance to give these sea creatures. Please show them some respect. Nature is under enough stress as it is.

Denise Burns, Sechelt