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I’ll take the bridge



Recently I struck up a conversation with another Sunshine Coast resident about the idea of the B.C. government building a bridge to connect the lower Sunshine Coast to Highway 99.

The person responding declared that “this place will become another Surrey!” So, I tried to continue the discussion but they would not hear anything about a bridge and were emphatic that there be no bridge, insisting that the ferry was just fine. It keeps out the riff-raff, so to speak.

I’ve heard that sentiment before and also about the perceived huge spike in crime a bridge would cause, but no one has provided any statistical or documented proof of any kind, so it’s just paranoia.

So, here’s my next supposition and question. Suppose the B.C. government did build a bridge but also kept the ferry running?

Would you still drive down to Langdale terminal, park on the hot tarmac, wait for up to an hour (on a good day), load onto the boat (if there’s room) for the 40-minute boat ride to Horseshoe Bay and join hundreds and hundreds of other vehicles clogging the Upper Levels Highway, or would you drive over the bridge and pay a $30 to $50 toll to come back home any time you wanted to?

I’ll take the bridge and the toll any day over that ridiculous ferry and I won’t live in fear of Surrey or any imaginary crime spree!

It’s time to grow up, Sunshine Coast, and once you cross that bridge, you’ll wonder why you waited so long.

M. Young, Roberts Creek