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Correcting distorted facts

Editor: Ms. Hamill's recent letter (Coast Reporter, July 13) regarding the Gospel Rock neighbourhood plan, while reflecting her opinion, did contain some distortion of the facts, which should be corrected.


Ms. Hamill's recent letter (Coast Reporter, July 13) regarding the Gospel Rock neighbourhood plan, while reflecting her opinion, did contain some distortion of the facts, which should be corrected.

The plan emerged from the 2006 studies undertaken by a group of professional planners and others in consultation with residents and a citizen select committee. Following a voluntary survey of two possible formulations of the plan, a further refinement committee commenced deliberations in 2009 to make adjustments to the plan. The previous council and the current council have continued the process of making adjustments based on information received, and for Ms. Hamill to suggest that there have been no changes of any kind to the plan is simply incorrect.

Ms. Hamill states that she wants the plan to reflect the desires of the majority of the townspeople as demonstrated in the referendum of 2008.

Firstly, it is important to clarify that was not a referendum. Of the 387 Gibsons residents who responded to the survey, 154 supported the waterfront development option and 232 responded in favour of the no waterfront development option. A difference of 78 respondents does not reflect the clear majority that Ms. Hamill suggests. It is also important to understand that the waterfront option in that proposal projected more waterfront development than is being considered under the present plan.

Ms. Hamill also suggests that there is a massive up-zoning in this plan. The plan does not change any zoning in the proposed neighbourhood area. It simply sets out a concept for potential land use and any applications to change from the current use will require individual rezoning applications, which will be given careful study and consideration if and when received.

Furthermore, the plan contains within it a provision for a review every five years, which will allow the plan to be amended to adjust to changing circumstances.

Mayor Wayne Rowe
