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Nominating outstanding people in our communities

Have you seen great volunteer work done this year in your community? Don't miss your chance to recognize an individual, group, business or not-for-profit organization - nominate them for a Prime Minister's Volunteer Award.

Have you seen great volunteer work done this year in your community?

Don't miss your chance to recognize an individual, group, business or not-for-profit organization - nominate them for a Prime Minister's Volunteer Award.

The current call for nominations is open until May 9.

The awards recognize the enormous contributions volunteers, not-for-profit organizations and businesses make to their communities.

Each year a total of 17 awards are given at the regional and national level. Award recipients are recognized at a ceremony and can select an eligible not-for-profit organization to receive a grant for $5,000 (regional award) or $10,000 (national award).

As individuals or groups, volunteers help their communities in many ways, from organizing activities for children with disabilities to fundraising for community projects.

Similarly, many businesses help their communities by organizing fundraising events or offering their employees paid time away from work to volunteer -businesses play a key role in helping those who need it most.

Not-for-profit organizations also help build stronger communities. In Canada, 161,000 registered charities and not-for-profit organizations work to improve the lives of others.

Read about the award categories and submit a nomination today through awards website: or call 1-877-825-0434.

- Submitted