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How can we trust these guys?

Editor: Enbridge is currently saturating the airwaves with commercials proudly telling us how they will address the 209 deficiencies highlighted by the "review panel.


Enbridge is currently saturating the airwaves with commercials proudly telling us how they will address the 209 deficiencies highlighted by the "review panel."

I understand that Enbridge spent millions of dollars producing their proposal, and yet even a Harper appointed review panel managed to spot 209 deficiencies.

Are we going to trust these guys to build a pipeline in such a sensitive area?

One of the deficiencies is the need for a spill clean-up plan. Enbridge should have no problem here as they have a vast amount of experience cleaning up spills.

I feel we need a Western outlet for oil, but not through the Douglas Channel, and not with Enbridge in charge.

Mike Lane
