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Disappointed with this project

Editor: After many years of being active in the Sechelt Inlet waters, I'm very disappointed with the Narrows Inlet hydro project. In my opinion the proponent is ruining a delicate fjord and river valley, and destroying alpine lakes.


After many years of being active in the Sechelt Inlet waters, I'm very disappointed with the Narrows Inlet hydro project. In my opinion the proponent is ruining a delicate fjord and river valley, and destroying alpine lakes.

The project is putting fish stocks at risk, jeopardizing wildlife habitat and setting back what has been a slow recovery in the area, after many years of abuse by humans.

We don't want all the machinery, boats, barges, helicopters and planes in the inlet during the construction phase. Once completed, we'll have a terrible legacy in the visual reminder at Ramona Creek and the distant hum of the powerhouse, thanks to the Narrows Inlet hydro project.

There are too many unanswered questions in this project, and the proponent has already incurred damage in the area with a slide into Tyson Lake in early 2010. There's already a significant blemish on the Narrows Inlet hydro project. What will be next?

Finally, I'm shocked the Sechelt Indian Band (SIB) is onboard with this proposal and considering an ownership position in the Narrows Inlet hydro project.

Chief Feschuk acknowledges the SIB has rights and titles in the area, but he's OK with this project? And the ownership position isn't just going to be a few royalties. The optics of this potential partnership just don't look good.

The Narrows Inlet hydro project isn't green stop it now!

Dave Marshall, Halfmoon Bay