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Fall back to wellness

Living Well
Learn a new hobby, such as beadwork, just for the fun of it.

Once the long days of summer start to wane, it can be easy to slip into auto pilot for the rest of autumn, while ticking off seasonal chores and to-do lists.

This fall why not make living well a priority too? You don’t have to be perfect about your diet, working out or getting more sleep, but you can make small changes that over time will add up to healthier living. There are easy ways to jumpstart autumn from a place of personal wellbeing, strength and grace.

Stretch your body, spirit and mind. It takes commitment to remember to stretch our limbs, but it feels great to have a nice stretch after a workout, first thing in the morning and as a break from desk working. Boost your brainpower by taking a continuing education, doing word puzzles or simply by trying a new style of fiction at the library. If your spirit needs uplifting consider learning simple meditation, attending a silent retreat or researching a new philosophy such as Zen Buddhism. Or, take a yoga class and stretch your body, mind and spirit all at once!

Try a different way of eating. Have you ever wondered if you have a gluten or dairy allergy or wanted to experiment with meatless eating? Fall is a great time to try new ingredients and menus. Get the family involved and pick a new diet each month in autumn such as vegan, gluten-free, sugar-free or paleo.

Take a digital sabbatical. Commit to turning your phone and other devices off for a few hours a day or even for a few days, up to a week. Give yourself a break from constantly being online, in touch and constantly available. It’s amazing what a stress reliever this is and also you will have a better understanding of how much time the digital world is taking up.

Change your frequency. Think about the times this summer when you were relaxed, content and most at ease. Now try to make time for similar activities in fall. Surround or seek people who bring out the best in you and refuse to be immersed in anyone’s negative drama or attitude.

Do something for the pure love of it. When most of our lives are scheduled, we can forget what leisure really means. Spend a half hour a day doing something simply for fun, with no other task or chore attached to it. Take a walk in nature, write poetry, or make something – learn beadwork, knit a scarf, or simply capture images with your camera

Move, move, move. Your body is designed to move so give it what it needs. We can all feel stagnant if we sit still for too long. So take the stairs, walk the seawall, attend a spin class or go beachcombing after a fall storm. Moving will make you feel good and keep you motivated to make healthier choices all day long.