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A bridge of troubles

Editor: In response to Mark Durland of Garden Bay (Coast Reporter letters, March 28), who wants a bridge to the Lower Mainland and can't figure out why we wouldn't want it. It comes down to this.


In response to Mark Durland of Garden Bay (Coast Reporter letters, March 28), who wants a bridge to the Lower Mainland and can't figure out why we wouldn't want it. It comes down to this. We don't want to live in the Lower Mainland!

We don't want their crime, their criminals, their traffic, their noise, their pollution, their gangs, their drugs, their homeless, their addicts, their drug-taking young park squatters, their sexual predators, etc.

If you are so keen to live there and commute around the Lower Mainland easily, then live in Surrey. Don't try to drag us down with it.

The thing that keeps the Coast from being in that same mess is that we are a ferry ride away. That expense and inconvenience keeps those bad things away. It makes it easy to catch criminals.

I'll fight to my last breath to keep the Coast from joining up with the Lower Mainland, and I think the majority of Coasters agree with me.

Laurel Ennis, Sandy Hook